Thursday, October 14, 2010

Catch up Time and a change in the Plans

It's been such a long time since I have written. Almost a year in fact. So much has happened, and I have grown so much as a person. All of it good too.
I have not left California, in fact I will probably be here a little while longer. I have a stable job, with a descent income and I am living on my own and I have someone who views life like I do, and I am crazy about him.
I don't know where to start. I got a place of my own less then a month ago and I have been just figuring out what I like to do. All the free time with my self is so nice and relaxing. I feel like I can just breath again.
Although I can't say everything is wonderful, but I can't complain. My troubles are only minor comparatively to others problems.
I still work full time and would love to have a garden. Right now all I have is a small chocolate mint plant that I bought at Trader Joes, and it is trying to stay alive. I need to buy some potting soil and a new pot for it this weekend so I can keep it alive and going. I can tell that it it a survivor like me.
I have this cute bacholor apartment, no kitchen, which is kinda a bummer, but it has sooooo much storage space and it is a very nice size, so I just need a refridgerator and a microwave, I would actually like a toaster oven, but I will take what I can get. And I will be a lot better off food and eating wise. Thankfully my boyfriend lives across the street so I can use his kitchen when needed.
It's funny I forgot about this thing and just thought of it the other day and was able to find it. After reading my few post I think I will pick up where I left off.
So look for some new post soon...I may not be as exciting as a Julia and Julie blog, but you never know!