Friday, October 23, 2009


I've never had a blog before but I thought it would be fun. I am currently living in Los Angeles, in which I hope to be able to leave very soon. I have been out here for over 8 years now and I am ready to start a new chapter in my life. I want to be able to have a garden, some animals, and not all the traffic, noise, pollution and everything else that comes with the city.
I moved out here 8 years ago to get a degree in Fashion and Film and TV Costume Design. Well I got my degree but no job in the career that I have choosen. Do I want to work in that industry right now, no. I don't have the personality it takes to do it. I have tried and have done what I could, but it wasn't me and I just couldn't do it.
So here I am, working as a manager at a chain company. I'm dealing with the economic down fall the best that I possibly can. Glad I have a job, but don't like the stress I have to deal with. I feel my body almost fall apart some days. Some days I just wish I could just go outside and deal with bugs, weeds, dirt and feed the animals. I know it's not an easy lifestyle, but neither is what I am doing right now. I crave a change in life. I think that is the change I would like to have! I've been talking and dreaming about it for a while now.
But until I have a farm to go to, I am here in the city. Working on making my dream come true! All these details of a dream, tend to stand in the way, but I am willing to work those out. So I thought it would be fun to write down my journey. Plus I have had so much weird and crazy things happen to me that I thought it would be fun to actually document them.
Please excuss any spelling error and improper English usage. I am not an English Major, and I do have a problems with putting my thought to words!
Farm Girl Hugs!

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